• Student Council

    The membership of the Student Council of Pearl Junior High School will be comprised of those elected by the students to their respective positions and those appointed by the advisors/principal.  The Student Council will be comprised of thirty-five members of which thirty-four are allowed to vote.  The total number of the council may vary depending upon whether or not a tie occurs in elections of representatives.  The Student Council will be comprised of five student body officers and ten grade representatives.  Seven of the grade representatives are to be elected by their peers.  Three grade representatives will be appointed by the council sponsors and the principal.    Each student body officer candidate must have an 85 or above average in each class from the preceding semester to be considered for election.  Each grade representative candidate must have an 80 or above overall from the preceding semester to be considered for election.



    Beta Club 

    The Pearl Junior High School Beta Club's mission is to excel in the areas of scholarship, leadership, and citizenship.  To be elibible for membership in the Pearl Junior High School Chapter of the National Beta Club, a student must adhere to the following criteria:

    -Maintain a 90 or above average in each subject based upon the preivious 9 week's average.  Grades will be checked each nine weeks by the sponsors.  Any student without a 90 or above the following nine weeks, he/she will be removed from probation.  If not, the student may lose membership status.

    -Display positive citizenship at all times, with no NI's or U's based on Pearl Junior High School's citizenship criteria.

    -Follow all school rules and policies without incident.  Any severe infractions such as in-school isolation or out-of-school suspension will result in immediate dismissal from the Beta Club.



    The Pirate

    The school yearbook is published for the purpose of giving the student a pictorial history of the year's activities in the school.  Sponsors of the yearbook are selected by the principal, and the staff of the yearbook is selected by the sponsors.  Members of the staff receive valuable experiences in financing, budgeting, artistic layout, photography, and literary expression.


    Pirate Band

    The Pearl Band program has a member handbook that outlines specific rules and regulations.


    Aim:  The place of distinction that the Pearl Band hold in the student's life certainly justifies the hard work that is necessary to have a super organization.


    Jr. Pirate Connectors

    PJHS Jr. Pirate Connectors is a student hospitality group that will serve as tour guides and hosts/hostesses at special events throughout the summer and school year.  Students who are interested in joining will be invited to retrieve an application and recommendation forms from the club sponsors.  Membership will be granted to the fifteen 8th grade students and fifteen seventh grade students with a qualifying GPA of 85 or higher in all classes and the highest point total from teacher recommendations.

    - Students participating in Jr. Pirate Connectors will be required to consistently demonstrate Pirate PRIDE.

    - Members will be expected to follow all school rules and policies without incident.  Any extreme violation of rules may result in immediate dismissal from Jr. Pirate Connectors.



    The purpose of the organizatios is to work with the school and community to encourage the athletic teams, to stimulate fans, to support the school, and to promote school spirit throughout the year.

    Membership - There will be one squad of cheerleaders for football and basketball.

    Selection Procedures - Tryouts will be held in the spring of the year to determine the squad for the coming school year.  The junior high school squad will be comprised of the top 10-18 candidates.  A fee of $25.00 must be paid prior to the clinic in order to participate in the clinic and tryout.  The cheerleading program has a member constitution that outlines specific rules and regulations.

    1.  Candidates must have a grade average 0f 70 or above in each subject.

    2.  Conduct grade must not reflect a "U".

    3. Selections will be made by an outside panel of experts.



    Dance Team

    The purpose of the organization is to work with the school and community to encourage the athletic teams, to stimulate fans, to support the school, and to promote school spirit throughout the year. 

    Membership - There will be one squad of dance team members for football and basketball.

    Selection procedures - Tryouts will be held in the spring of the year to determine the squad for the coming school year.  A fee of $25.00 must be paid prior to the clinic in order to participate in the clinic and tryout.  The dance team has a member constitution that outlines specific rules and regulations.

    1.  Candidates must have a grade average of 70 or above in each subject

    2.  Conduct grade must not reflect a "U".

    3.  Selections will be made by an outside panel of experts.


    Robotics Club

    To be eligible for membership, any 6th, 7th, or 8th grade student must meet the following requirements:

    -75 or higher in all core courses

    -No out-of-school suspensions or alternative placements

    -Must be able to attend before and after school meetings