PHS Choral Music
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Phone: 601-933-1749
Degrees and Certifications:
Bachelor of Music Education -- Delta State University Master of Music -- Mississippi College Doctor of Art in Music Education - William Carey University (ongoing)
Mr. Beasley
Andy Beasley grew up in Brandon, Mississippi and graduated from Brandon High School. He took an interest in choral music at a young age and was very involved in choir at Brandon Middle School, Brandon High School, and Crossgates Baptist Church. Mr. Beasley holds a Bachelor's Degree in Vocal Music Education from Delta State University and a Master's Degree in Choral Conducting from Mississippi College. He is currently pursuing a Doctor of Art degree from William Carey University.
While attending Delta State University, Mr. Beasley directed the Chancel Choir and Hand Bell Choir at First Presbyterian Church of Cleveland. He was also the student director of the Delta Singers and tenor section leader of the Delta Chorale and Chamber Singers. While attending Mississippi College, he served as Assistant Conductor of the Choctaw Chorus. Mr. Beasley has served as Minister of Music at Harrisville Baptist Church in Simpson County and at First Baptist Church of Pearl.
Mr. Beasley was Director of Choral Activities at Terry High School for five years, where he also taught Music Appreciation and AP Music Theory. His choirs there consistently earned superior ratings at District, State, and National Festivals. He served as Assistant Artistic Director of the Mississippi Chorus, where he was the principal conductor of the Mississippi Youth Chorale and assisted in conducting the Grande Chorus and the Master Chorale.
Mr. Beasley has performed Tenor solos in Handel's Messiah, Mozart's Vesperae solemnes de confessore, Beethoven's Mass in C, and numerous small choral works.
Mr. Beasley has served on the Board of Directors of the Mississippi Music Educator's Association as the Jr. High Division President Jr. High All-State Women's Honor Choir Chair, Lakeshore Choral Camp Director, Webmaster, and Social Media Advisor. He currently serves as the President-Elect of the Executive Board.
In April of 2014, he was awarded the Outstanding Young Music Educator of the Year 2014 in Recognition of Professional Integrity, Love of Teaching, and Creativity in the Classroom. This award was presented by the Mississippi Music Educators Association. Mr. Beasley was selected as the 2023 Pearl High School S.T.A.R Teacher. In May of 2023, he was named in the Hometown Rankin Magazine's Top 40 Under 40.

Phone: 601-932-7943
Degrees and Certifications:
Bachelor of Music - Mississippi College
Mrs. Little
Sarah Little began her teaching journey directing choral music within the Pearl Public School District and is blessed to serve in her 11th year in the district as a choral director at Pearl High School.
Sarah previously served as the Director of Choral Activities at Pearl Junior High School where she directed the superior-performing and award winning Pearl Junior High Singers, Boys Chorale, Advanced Treble, Intermediate Treble, and Beginner Treble I and Treble II choruses, and several select ensembles, therein. Her choirs and ensembles consistently received high Superior ratings at District and State Festivals, as well as receiving the notable Best in Class and Grand Champions at Heritage Festival, Ole Miss Festival, and Riverland Festival.
She is also privileged to have worked with the renowned Mississippi Girl Choir and served as the director to the 5th-7th grade choir, "Jubilate." Sarah has also been blessed to direct the 3rd-5th grade girls choir at First Presbyterian Church of Jackson, of which she is a member. Sarah served as the Children’s Choir Director at St. James’ Episcopal from 2016-2019 and continues to serve as their Christmas Pageant Director, each year.
Sarah received the 2010 Young Music Educator of the Year award for the state of Mississippi. Other honors include serving as a clinician to the 2012 LMEA Women's All-State Choir, 2013 ACDA Male Vocal Symposium, 2016 ACDA Children’s Festival, and having the opportunity to direct various District Honor Choirs and adjudicate numerous festivals and competitions throughout the southeast region.
In 2014, Sarah’s primary passion became motherhood and she transitioned from the choral classroom to home. During these most blessed years, she enjoyed operating Little Music Studio, where she taught voice and piano to upwards of 30 students, involving them in Bach Festival, Federated Festival, MMTA Festival, Solo and Ensemble Festival, and Bi-Annual Recitals.
She holds the Bachelor of Music degree from Mississippi College in Clinton, MS and is a proud alumnus of the internationally performing and recognized MC Singers. Sarah is an active member of the National Association for Music Education and American Choral Directors Association, She has served as President to the Junior High Division of the Mississippi Music Educators Association and has also served on the ACDA board as Junior High R&S for the state of Mississippi.
Sarah is a native of Slidell, Louisiana and graduated from Slidell High School in 2002. Sarah is beyond blessed to be married to the love of her life, Matt, and enjoys supporting his musical career as an Assistant Band Director/Percussion Coordinator at Pearl High School. Matt and Sarah have two precious girls, Isobel and Carolyn, who keep their days busy and their hearts full.